Please join the Texas Concealed Handgun Association (TCHA) as we host a Steel & More Fun Shoot on Saturday, November 18, 2017, in the Lubbock, Texas area. This event is geared for the everyday shooter. Check-in will be from 8:00 to 9:15 am, with the first shooter starting at 9:45 am.
The shoot will be held at the 41 Lead Farm Shooting Range, Lubbock, Texas. The entrance fee is $35.00, which includes the range fee. The event is limited to the first thirty-five shooters that register either online or by calling TCHA headquarters at 866-516-5117.
The scoring will be simple in which each participant will shoot a specific number of rounds per station. Participants will have two chances at the course of fire for a combined total number of hits in order to determine the winner. If the top scores are tied, we will have a Shoot-Off Round. A trophy will be awarded to the “Top Shot”.
You will need a reliable, modern semi-automatic pistol or revolver chambered either in .380, .38, .357, .9mm, .40 or .45 (tiny pocket pistols, antique or cheap surplus pistols, such as Makarovs, are not suitable for this event). If you have questions about a particular pistol, please call (866) 516-5117.
You will need to have at least 150 rounds of ammunition. Factory ammunition is preferred but high quality reloaded ammunition is acceptable if you loaded it. Do not bring reloaded ammunition loaded by someone else as there is no way to assure safety and quality. It is recommended that revolver shooters have at least one or two speed loaders and semi-auto pistol shooters are encouraged to bring additional magazines as there will be eight (8) stations. Please have billed caps, long pants, and suitable closed-toed footwear for the range. No tank tops or muscle shirts due to “hot brass”.